
The Lord Is My Rock

We’ve used an Old Testament verse, written centuries before Christ by King David, as the caption for this print. It is part of King David's Song of Thanksgiving to God for having rescued him from his enemies. Although the King was referring to God the Father, the quote can also apply to His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. The bearded figure hewn from the rock in this painting could be either the Father or His Son. (Remember, it is a pillar of our faith that we worship one God in three persons, Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.)

Jesus Himself made references in the Gospels to a rock as an important solid foundation both for His Church and for our faith. As He told Peter “you are Peter (the “Rock” in the original language of Matthew’s Gospel) and upon this rock I will build my church.” (Matt 16:18).

Also, our Lord once likened those who hear His words and follow them to a man who built his house on a foundation of solid rock, rather than sand, so that it would always be protected against whatever storms would hit it (Matt 7:24-25). God wishes to be that rock for us today!